Make each post standout

Every post on social media can have an incredible impact. It’s not simply luck that determines which posts will flop or which will generate a lot of interest. There are proven tactics that increase engagement and help you stay relevant to your followers. Are your social media posts about DonorSee following best practices? This is …

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Creating videos that inspire action

Asking for support can be difficult, especially in the context of contemporary fundraising. Today, video dominates marketing channels, enabling us to engage in new and creative ways. Our goal at DonorSee is to help you create video content that inspires action. We work to demystify donor engagement by equipping you with the tools and training …

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Tips for resuming work after lockdowns

Covid-19 lockdowns have been tough. They’ve disproportionately hurt the most vulnerable in our communities and have massively disrupted relief efforts. Each nation, community, and individual has experienced different challenges due to the lockdowns. Malawi never implemented lockdowns while other countries are still restricting activity. Some medical projects have been able to continue while other education …

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3 tip for avoiding Donor Fatigue

If you constantly ask for help, your donors can get fatigued. Donor Fatigue is most common with large needs that initially attract a lot of attention but then slowly see less donor interest – even while the problem persists. How can you help prevent Donor Fatigue?  Thankfully, DonorSee has some built in anti-fatigue tools that …

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